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Bey chocolate mass is a non-Newtonian fluid we have to measure its shear stress at different shear rates, which results in a flow curve. Shear stress divided by shear rate results in the apparent viscosity; if we again plot this versus the shear rate we get a viscosity curve. Chocolate mass is a shear thinning fluid, so the highest viscosity is found when the mass starts to flow. Interaction between particles is considered to be responsible for this behaviour3, which is very different to Newtonian fluids such kakım water.

Has triple stone mill ever been considered for particle size reduction like they do for Cocoa Liquor?

Because of the pressure and the speed differential between the rolls, the product is picked up and refined more and more between each susequent kaş of rolls. The five roll refiner saf four (4) refining steps, each roll katışıksız a different speeds. Pressures are controlled kakım well.

The Thouet dry conche from the Royal Duyvis Wiener group is used to lower the moisture content of the chocolate and with that improve the rheological properties. Also, undesierable flavor profiles güç be removed and other flavor profiles can be created or accentuated.

If you love eating chocolate or are thinking about becoming a chocolate maker, you've come to the right place. We're here to talk about the chocolate flavor wheel, a helpful tool for understanding and describing the many flavors that come directly from the cocoa...

Tried and tested at over 3500 finers worldwide, the Finer S is capable of processing a vast range of masses with different compositions and consistencies to your desired fineness.

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vane pump with adjustable speed, with reversal rotation, easy to remove for cleaning and antibacterial GHA treatment

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Making your own chocolate? have questions about any step of the process? Why not Ask The Alchemist? He regularly answers reader questions (over 300 answers are waiting for you, maybe he answered your question already) and we've just launched the new Cet videoteyp series where he demonstrates the real world answers to your chocolate making questions! 

With the Vulcanotec Ball Refiner the speed is easily adjustable to achieve better results. Recirculation system allows chocolate to be pumped from the base of the Refiner to the top, ensuring the movement of the chocolate, cream or paste.

In case melting tank is going to be used also Chocolate CONCHING MACHINE birli storage tank, preventing of thermal fluctuations inside the chocolate melting tank which may occur because of bypassing tempered chocolate back to melting tank is required.

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